English 中文(简体)
。 NET 人口箱术语与 Java
原标题:.NET pop-up box terminology along with Java


  1. What is the terminology for the pop-up box shown in this Image? (Not the text, but the actual box itself) This is with Visual Studios.

alt text http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/160e2a55.png

  1. 我需要在 Java开展一个项目,我听说Eclipse有这种人满为患的盒子,但我似乎无法找到。 是否有任何人知道这一选择是什么? 我希望,也许可以找到箱子的术语,帮助我更容易地找到选择。 www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm

  2. 是否比使用该盒子的Eclipse相比,吉拉瓦的电离辐射量有了更好的发展?


  1. This is IntelliSense, it s activated automatically, but can be invoked manually using Ctrl+Space.
  2. Yes, Eclipse does have this as well. Press Ctrl+Space to bring it up (I don t think Eclipse does it manually - it s been a couple of months since I last used Eclispe so I may be wrong).
  3. You might want to look into IntelliJ IDEA or Netbeans (the former over the latter). IMHO, Eclipse is the most powerful and represents best value for money :-)


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