I have several geometry meshes in my Viewport3D, these have bounds of (w:1800, h:500, d:25). When a user clicks in the middle of the mesh, I want the Point3D of (900, 500, 25)... How can I achieve ...
海事组织的指挥系统实际上在人民论坛执行不力。 你们必须围绕这样的事实开展工作,即如果该制度具有指挥权,即使控制已经关闭,它仍然漠视你的控制。
你们将在网上看到许多实例,说明如何在XAML法典中建立一个指挥系统。 问题在于,所有这些例子都会把业绩问题引入到任何已久之处。 突击队从来就不适当地撤离。 至少是长期。
A) 不要在XAML建立指挥系统。 你们必须使用该守则。 建议在你叫起执委会成员之后使用监察员。 使用。 命令.Add.()增加军法指挥系统。
B)处理您的窗口或控制组织的闭门活动,并称呼。 指挥。
这是我能够可靠地使指挥部停止射击的唯一途径。 我认为,这是由微软公司执行这一特征的一条荒谬的方法。 如此之多的在线实例告诉你,在XAML宣布指挥系统只会加剧这一问题。
我的古斯是,有一个在指挥官登记册上登记的指挥官案例。 可以从许多不同来源执行指挥系统,而不仅仅是核查钥匙。
Try CallManager. InvalidateRequery Suggested();在你可以选择的方法中添加一个起点,以证实情况确实如此。
Is it possible to edit a xaml icons or images in the expression design or using other tools? Is it possible to import a xaml images (that e.g you have exported) in the expression designer for editing?...
I am considering to write smoke tests for our WPF application. The question that I am faced is: should we use UI automation( or some other technology that creates a UI script), or is it good enough to ...
Im facing a bit of an issue when trying to validate a decimal property on domain object which is bound to a textbox on the view through the viewmodel. I am using NHibernate to decorate my property on ...
Certain markup extensions raise compile errors. For example StaticExtension (x:Static) raises a compile error if the referenced class cannot be found. Anyone know the mechanism for this? Is it baked ...
I ve got some code which sets up a datacontext. Often enough, the datacontext should be set to some underlying data collection, such as an ObservableCollection - but occasionally I d like to set it ...
I am trying to create a custom wpf control, I m wondering how I can add some design-time features. I ve googled and can t seem to get to my goal. So here s my simple question, how can I add an entry ...
NOTE I have asked the related question (with an accepted answer): How to combine DataTrigger and Trigger? I think I need to combine an EventTrigger and a DataTrigger to achieve what I m after: when ...
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