I am communicating with a machine over serial. Part of the protocol communication spec states that the control sum is an "arithmetic sum of bytes from < PS > (included), < data > to < CS >"
The packet messages are structured as follows:
< PS >< data >< CS >, where:
< PS > - Packet Size
Length: 1
Value: 0x02 to 0x63
Max packet length is 99 bytes
< data > - Data
Length: 1...90 bytes
Value: 0x00 - 0xFF
The length of the data part depends on the command.
< CS > - Check Sum
Length - 1 byte
Value: 0x00 - 0xFF
ACK Packet: 0x02 0x01 0x03 where 0x03 is the checksum.
So how do I compute the checksum for these bytes in C++?