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Maximum line length in AndersView
原标题:Maximum line length on Android TextView

I m putting a formatted single line text (no s) to a noneditable TextView. In the navigation of the program, the text can be changed. On some text, the TextView shrinks to 0x0 pixel and I can see nothing! I added some menus to truncate the text 10 characters each time and I found that if the number of characters are larger than 4470, the TextView shrinks.

Splitting the text into several lines by putting in between solves the problem, but that s not my intention.



I did some testing. It seems this value is not fixed. It moved up and down each time. But there are some limits:

  • TextView.maxLines is Integer.MAX_VALUE by default (2147483647)
  • TextView.maxEms is Integer.MAX_VALUE by default
  • Java Strings in general are Integer.MAX_VALUE or half the maximum heap size

On my first test it worked up to 179 899 characters in a single line. By adding android:maxLength="10000000" to the xml I got up to 184 200. But that number worked just once. With a line break after every character I got up to about 750 000.

值得注意的是,该文从来就没有消失了。 app倒的是:

Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 32 byte allocation with 0 free bytes and 0B until OOM, target footprint 536870912, growth limit 536870912" (VmSize 2143664 kB, recursive case)

我使用了一台Pixel 3、APIC29型推导器,其编号为1536 mb ram、256mb heap和以下代码:

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i<750000; i++) {


底线没有 实践 /em> 最大值,今天,电话的记忆也大大增加。

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