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retrieve FoxPro 7.0 database schema

I need to obtain a list of tables in a Visual Fox Pro database. (7.0) This is what I m doing.... but it s not working or I m not doing it right...

DataFactory dataFactory = new DataFactory();

OleDbConnection oldStarbaseConnection = dataFactory.OldStarbaseConnection;

object[] arrRestrict = new object[] { null, null, "NewStarbase", null };

// Get the tables in the new Database
DataTable tblDbSchema = newStarbaseConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, arrRestrict);

// for each table in the new database
foreach (DataRow myDataRow in tblDbSchema.Rows)

I recently wrote a code generation application for LINQ to VFP that gets the schema information. Here is how I got the schema.

using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) {
    DataTable tables = conn.GetSchema("Tables");
    DataTable columns = conn.GetSchema("Columns");
    DataTable dt = conn.GetSchema("Indexes");


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摘自XML Schema


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