I m tryng to create a route planner to track my running routes. Using Bing Maps, I am able to create the route, but I m struggling to remove to default beginning , end and red circle itinery icons.
Below is my code so far (based on this link). All I basically want is my own start icon at the beginning of the route and my end icon at the end. I don t need anything else in between apart from the route line.
Any help (along with code improvement tips) gratefully received!
jQuery(function() {
$("#btnStartRoute").click(function() {
map.AttachEvent( onclick , StartRouting);
var map = null;
var myRoute = [];
var noOfPushPins = 0;
function GetMap() {
map = new VEMap( mapContent );
function StartRouting(e) {
var xPoint = e.mapX, yPoint = e.mapY;
var pixel = new VEPixel(xPoint, yPoint);
var LL = map.PixelToLatLong(pixel);
cornerOne = LL; //cornerOne is a global level var
var latitude = map.PixelToLatLong(pixel).Latitude;
var longitiude = map.PixelToLatLong(pixel).Longitude;
myRoute[noOfPushPins] = new VELatLong(latitude, longitiude);
function GetRoute() {
var myRouteOptions = new VERouteOptions();
myRouteOptions.RouteMode = VERouteMode.Walking;
myRouteOptions.RouteColor = new VEColor(0, 102, 51, .7);
myRouteOptions.RouteCallback = RouteCallback;
map.GetDirections(myRoute, myRouteOptions);
function RouteCallback(route) {
var myRouteShapes = [];
var myRoutePoints = [];
var points = route.RouteLegs[0].Itinerary.Items;
$.each(points, function(i) {
var routePointCoordinates = new VELatLong(route.RouteLegs[0].Itinerary.Items[i].LatLong.Latitude, route.RouteLegs[0].Itinerary.Items[i].LatLong.Longitude);
var routePointShape = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin, routePointCoordinates);
if (i != 0) {
routePointShape.SetCustomIcon("<img id= pushPin" + noOfPushPins + " class= pushPin src= /Content/Images/Maps/pushPinEnd.gif ><span class= pushPinText >" + (noOfPushPins + 1) + "</span>");
} else {
routePointShape.SetCustomIcon("<img id= pushPin" + noOfPushPins + " class= pushPin src= /Content/Images/Maps/pushPinStart.gif ><span class= pushPinText >" + (noOfPushPins + 1) + "</span>");