I m trying to use htmlunit to click on a link in youtube. Here s the code:
HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage("http://www.youtube.com");
HtmlAnchor link = page.getFirstByXPath("//a[contains(@href, accounts/ServiceLogin? )]");
page = link.click();
HtmlForm form = page.getFirstByXPath("//form[@id= gaia_loginform ]");
page = form.getInputByName("signIn").click();
page = webClient.getPage("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cLaKr1j55w");
but it doesn t work :( The code of the element I m trying to click is
<div id="watch-tab-favorite" class="watch-tab" onclick="if (!_hasclass(this, disabled )) { yt.www.watch.favorites.add( addToFavesForm ); }">
I ve also tried page.executeJavaScript("yt.www.watch.favorites.add( addToFavesForm );");
with no success either. Seems like htmlunit isn t sending the request at all. How can I fix it? TIA