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Currently known best algorithm(s) for computer chess? [closed]

A general strategy in game algorithms is the minimax strategy, augmented with alpha-beta pruning. The minimax algorithm finds the best move, and alpha-beta pruning prevents it from going into branches of the game tree that cannot produce a better result than previous branches already have.

However, the chess game tree is too large to be completely examined. That is why computer chess engines only examine the tree up to a certain depth, and then use various methods to evaluate the positions. Many of these methods are based on heuristics. Also, a serious chess-playing program will have a library of openings so that it can play in the beginning by just consulting that library and not having to examine the game tree. Finally, many end games are completely solved, and these are also programmed in as a library.


If you need an in-depth knowledge about AI algorithms, I think "artificial intelligence modern approach" book is the best source.

Wikipedia is a safe bet as a starting point. Did you look there?

Rybka seems to be a contender.

Have a look at the some of the free source chess codes, for instance Crafty or even better how about Fruit? It plays pretty much almost the same strength of Rybka. But there are many new algos out there. Day will come when human chess players will have to just say I am not playing vs this engine, and this article pretty much sums it up --> http://www.mychessblog.com/man-versus-machine-when-a-computer-will-become-world-chess-champion/

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