English 中文(简体)
如何从 Java的一组阵列线读?
原标题:How to read from set of arrays line by line in Java?


private static ArrayList<String[]> file;


void method()
  file = new ArrayList<String[]>();
  String[] s = str.split(";");

以上条目:<条码> 半殖民者抓住了这一优势。






int currentIndex = 0;
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
boolean arraysHaveMoreElements = true;
while (arraysHaveMoreElements) {
    arraysHaveMoreElements = false;
    for (String[] array : file) {
        if (array.length > currentIndex) {
            arraysHaveMoreElements = true;


private void dumpColumnwise() {

  // generate test input
  // String[] firstRow = {"a00", "a01", "a02"};
  // String[] secondRow = {"a10", "a11", "a12"};
  String[] firstRow = "a00;a01;a02".split(";");
  String[] secondRow = "a10;a11;a12".split(";");

  List<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<String[]>();

  // get longest row
  int numberOfColumns = 0;
  for (String[] row:rows) {
    numberOfColumns = Math.max(numberOfColumns, row.length);

  int numberOfRows = rows.size();
  for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; colunm++) {
    for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; row++) {
      String[] row = rows.get(row);
      if (column < row.length) {
        System.out.printf(" %s", rows.get(row)[column]);

Room for 改进:允许输入数据,长度各异。 在这种情况下,如果一栏指数对实际增长有效,则须(1)确定最长的行刑和(2)测试。

to read an array list we can use iterator interface.` using iterator we can go through the array list. this is just an example code.

public static void  main(String []args)
      ArrayList<String[]>  list=new ArrayList<>();
      String arr1[]={"hello","are","today"};
        String arr2[]={"how","you"};
       Iterator<String[]> it = list.iterator();
             String[] temp=it.next();
             System.out.print(temp[0]+" ");




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