English 中文(简体)
我如何处理申请安保问题? 利用行动基金(FilterAttribute和(或)SomeMap的授权?
原标题:How do I handle application security? using ActionFilterAttribute and/or SiteMap authorization..?

i 创建了以下<代码>ActionFilterAttribute,以检查用户是否获准进入网页。 我还创建了两个处理不同假设情景的海关编码<>Exceptions:NotLobedInExceptionInuffPrivilegeException


Public Class ValidateAuthentication : Inherits ActionFilterAttribute
    Private _page As BLL.Page

    Public Sub New(ByVal Page As BLL.Page)
        Me._page = Page
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Sub OnActionExecuting(ByVal filterContext As System.Web.Mvc.ActionExecutingContext)
        Select Case Me._page.IsAccessibleToUser(filterContext.HttpContext.User)
            Case -1
                Throw New NotLoggedInException()
            Case 0
                Throw New InsufficientPrivilegeException()
            Case 1
                //access granted
        End Select
    End Sub
End Class

我也有一个习俗网站MapProvider,在那里我履行我自己的使命。 因此,我还有安全通道。


Public Overrides Function IsAccessibleToUser(ByVal context As System.Web.HttpContext, ByVal node As System.Web.SiteMapNode) As Boolean
    Dim p As New BLL.Page

    Select case p.IsAccessibleToUser(context.User)
        Case 1
            Return true
        Case else
            Return false
    End Select
End Function

<><>>> 问题:

  1. Where do I catch the exceptions to for instance redirect users if not authorized?
  2. Should I perhaps use the SiteMap authorization somewhere else instead of using the ActionFilterAttribute and throwing Exceptions..?

note: as You can see I m using atom category for BL. 页: 1 这是一个具有功能安全作用的办公室网页,储存在数据库中。 现场普查也根据这一数据进行人口统计。


Do not reinvent AuthoriazeAttribute。 页: 1 如果你需要定制自己的认证,那么就定制了会员提供商或子类<代码>。



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