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缓存 PHP 对象至文件的方法?
  • 时间:2008-09-24 12:48:37
  •  标签:


By far one of the best ASPNET features, IMO.

I ve since ditched Windows for Linux, and therefore PHP, Python and Ruby for webdev. I use PHP most because I dev several open source projects, all using PHP.


  1. Serializing to file (a pretty slow/expensive process)
  2. Writing the data to file as JSON/XML/plaintext/etc (even slower for read ops)
  3. Writing the data to file as pure PHP (the fastest read, but quite a convoluted write op)

I should stress now that I m looking for a solution that doesn t rely on a third party app (eg memcached) as the apps are installed in all sorts of scenarios, most of which don t have install rights (eg: a cheap shared hosting account).


Is there another persist-to-file method that I m forgetting?



序列化非常安全且常用。然而,有另一种选择,那就是缓存到内存中。请查看memcachedAPC,它们都是免费且性能非常高的。 这篇文章讨论了PHP中不同的缓存技术,可能也会引起您的兴趣。


Re: Is there another persist-to-file method that I m forgetting?

It s of limited utility but if you have a particularly beefy database query you could write the serialized object back out to an indexed database table. You d still have the overhead of a database query, but it would be a simple select as opposed to the beefy query.

Re: Is persisting to file secure? and cheap shared hosting account)

The sad fact is cheap shared hosting isn t secure. How much do you trust the 100,500, or 1000 other people who have access to your server? For historic and (ironically) security reasons, shared hosting environments have PHP/Apache running as a unprivileged user (with PHP running as an Apache module). The security rational here is if the world facing apache process gets compromised, the exploiters only have access to an unprivileged account that can t screw with important system files.


PHP中还存在一种持久的不良做法,即将目录的权限设置为777以使非特权的Apache用户可以将文件写出,然后保留目录或文件在该状态下。 这会给系统上的任何人提供读/写访问权限。

Finally, you may think obscurity saves you. "There s no way they can know where my secret cache files are", but you d be wrong. Shared hosting sets up users in the same group, and most default file masks will give your group users read permission on files you create. SSH into your shared hosting account sometime, navigate up a directory, and you can usually start browsing through other users files on the system. This can be used to sniff out writable files.

解决方案不太好看。一些主机提供CGI Wrapper,让您将PHP作为CGI运行。这里的好处是PHP将作为脚本的所有者运行,这意味着它将作为您而不是非特权用户运行。问题解决!新问题!传统的CGI在二月份像糖蜜一样缓慢。


I had a similar problem, and thus wrote a solution, a memory cache written in PHP. It only requires the PHP build to support sockets. Other then that, it is a pure php solution and should run just fine on Shared hosting.


What I always do if I have to be able to write is to ensure I m not writing anywhere I have PHP code. Typically my directory structure looks something like this (it s varied between projects, but this is the general idea):


app 不可被网络服务器写入(最好不要写入index.php)。cache 可被写入且用于缓存被解析的模板和对象等数据。 data 可能需要被写入,取决于需要。即,如果用户上传数据,则数据会被存入data文件夹。


你所有的实际代码都存储在 app 中,它不能直接被 Web 服务器访问,但应添加到 PHP 路径中。






It s in theory possible to store objects in sessions. That might get you past the file writing disabled problem. Additionally you could store the session in a mysql memory backed table to speed up the query.

