I already read the FAQ, and i think maybe this is a subjective question, but i need to ask. Does anyine knows what exactly (i mean formally) is a C++ language extensions.
我已经看到了一些例子,如Nvdia CUDA ext、Avalon交易式C++ ext。
I already read the FAQ, and i think maybe this is a subjective question, but i need to ask. Does anyine knows what exactly (i mean formally) is a C++ language extensions.
我已经看到了一些例子,如Nvdia CUDA ext、Avalon交易式C++ ext。
扩大语言只是超出语言规格要求的内容。 你的汇编者可能会增加新的特征,如特别的“采矿”和“最大”经营者。 您的汇编者可以按标准将分部分行为定为零,否则就没有界定。 它可以为您的<代码>main功能提供额外的参数。 这可能是纳入另一种语言特征,例如允许C级变量阵列在C++。 这可能是确定一项职能要求公约的一种办法。
使用一种语文的延伸通常使你的代码无法流通,因为如果你把你的代码交给另一个专业、编辑或甚至编辑 换算<>>,则延长期限可能不再存在,或者其行为可能不同于你原先使用的行为。
Extensible programming is a term used in computer science to describe a style of computer programming that focuses on mechanisms to extend the programming language, compiler and runtime environment.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_programming#Extensible_syntax” rel=“nofollow noretinger” 本节:
This simply means that the source language(s) to be compiled must not be closed, fixed, or static. It must be possible to add new keywords, concepts, and structures to the source language(s).
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