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jquery string to function convert
  • 时间:2010-01-13 22:03:53
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • attr

is this possible?

<div id="anything">I will change</div>
<div id="id" jq="$( #anything ).css({background:  red })"></div>

var x =  $( #id ).attr( jq ) ;

Basically i would like use an attribute jq on any tag to act like a onclick would on html that calls the javascript statements.

btw jQuery.call() is for demonstration purposes it doesn t work...


You would use eval() but what you are doing seems like a really bad idea:

var x = $( #id ).attr( jq );

The reason this is bad, is you are not separating function from structure. HTML is meant to describe structure, not interactivity and function.

JavaScript is meant to provide that interaction and enhancement, but not structure. Using the jQuery inline like that is a violation of that separation. Just food for thought...


you can use new Function MDN


<div id= MyFunc  func="alert( Hello! );" >On Load raise an Alert</div>


var myFunc = myFunc || document.getElementById( MyFunc ),
        hello = new Function( myFunc.getAttribute( func ));

give it a try:


Hope it helps!

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