why this happens :
This happens because you have mixed cin and cin.getline.
when you enter a value using cin, cin not only captures the value, it also captures the newline. So when we enter 2, cin actually gets the string “2
”. It then extracts the 2 to variable, leaving the newline stuck in the input stream. Then, when getline() goes to read the input, it sees “
” is already in the stream, and figures we must have entered an empty string! Definitely not what was intended.
old solution :
A good rule of thumb is that after reading a value with cin, remove the newline from the stream. This can be done using the following :
); // ignore up to 32767 characters until a
is removed
A better solution :
use this whenever you use std::getline() to read strings
std::getline(std::cin >> std::ws, input); // ignore any leading whitespace characters
st : : : get input input input ignore ignore ignore
source : learncpp website
goto section (Use std::getline() to input text)