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  • 时间:2008-12-09 00:08:22
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Delphi for Visual Basic developers Help to migrate VB applications (knowledge and skills) to Delphi

I had a good friend who moved from Classic VB to Delphi a while ago (back before .NET). He was really happy with the move.

The company he worked for made applications in VB, and they put together a special team (2 developers) to create Active X controls in Delphi for the rest of the company to use. Additionally, when there was something that they couldn t do in VB then the Delphi team would do it. That was when he was introduced to Delphi.

He said it didn t take long before the Delphi team could prototype applications in Delphi faster then the rest of the development group (he never said how large, but way more then two) could. The company never made the switch to Delphi from VB because someone was under the impression the VB was a better solution despite the evidence that Delphi was more powerful and faster.

A few years are I was working with another student on our placement year. We worked for a very large manufacturing company. One of his projects was to create a classic VB app to interface with multiple cameras on a production line and analyse the data in real time. In classic VB this was a shambles - it took on average 1.5 minutes to process a single frame from a single camera (7 cameras at 24 fps) there was no that he could optimise it.

He eventually took the plunge in to Delphi and re-written that app and works fantastically. I ve recently been in contact with a few friends who still work there and his app is been running smoothly for 3 years now.

I ve worked in both VB and Delphi, and Delphi is (IMO) much less frustrating/limiting. You should be able to use ActiveX / OCX controls as needed (though I agree w/other comments re: avoiding there where you can, and being sure ot have full source code). Apps we ve migrated from VB to Delphi (two) have gone well.

I did try in two instance to migrate from VB to Delphi but unfortunately I had to abort midway in one app as it used a lot of third party ActiveX (most from ComponentOne and a few from CodeJoke). We had to abort midway as we could not find any VCL components having equivalent functionality to the ActiveX used in the project.

It was a nightmare for us. Thank god we aborted midway and switched to C#. It was unbelievable that we could get all the features in .NET component to the ditto!

The app we managed to convert, went well off but we had to get rid of a few features that we had implemented in the original software as they required more work in Delphi.
