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原标题:exec function in PHP and passthru?

Hello I对PHP外围(PHP)和Appthru(PHP)。

I never used exec() in PHP but I have seen it is sometimes used with imagemagick. I am now curious, what is some other common uses where exec is good in a web application?

About 6 years ago when I first started playing around with PHP I did not really know anything, just very basic stuff and I had a site that got compromised and someone setup there own PHP file that was using the passthru() function to pass a bunch of traffic throught my site to download free music or video and I got hit with a 4,000$ bandwidth charge from my host! 6 years later, I know soo much more about how to use PHP but I still don t know how this ever happened to me before. How can someone beable to add a file to my server through bad code?



A) 在服务器上操作一个程序/实用性,而站点确实拥有相应的指挥。 例如,刺).是一种通用的用途,通过外部呼吁(所有类型的媒体转换)。

B) 推进另一个非常强大的进程——你可以阻止或阻止东塔戈。 有时,你nt着一只nt子,或者类似,还有正确的花招,不阻塞。

另外一个例子是,我必须处理2.0号特别提款协议——我必须放弃我为处理这些转变而投入的小型java服务。 非常好。 PHP不支持XSLT 2.0转化。

2] Damn that s a shame. Well, lots of ways. Theres a family of vulnerability called, "remote file include vulns", that basically allow an attacker to include arbitrary source and thus execute it on your server. Take a look at: http://lwn.net/Articles/203904/


exec("someUnixUtility -f $_GET[ arg1 ]"); 


exec("someUnixUtility -f blah; rm -rf /");

哪怕是,你会单独指挥。 那么,这会造成许多损失。

Same with a file upload, imagine you strip the last four chars (.ext), to find the extension. Well, what about something like this "exploit.php.gif", then you strip the extension, so you have exploit.php and you move it into your /users/imgs/ folder. Well, all the attacker has to do now is browse to users/imgs/exploit.php and they can run any code they want. You ve been owned at that point.




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