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原标题:Get DOM Element of a marker in Google Maps API 3

我试图找到一种办法,使管理局的一个标识。 谷歌似乎利用不同的要素显示标识和处理活动。

I ve figured out 2 things so far. There s a generated variable called fb that holds the DOM element on a marker object, but I think the next time Google updates the API, it will be named something different. So no go.

其次,如果在标注上附上一个点击事件,那么APIC就把DOM要素作为对你所指明的职能的论据。 在“火药”中,我发现两者之间有任何关系。





我发现,工作确实很差。 人们可以使用所有权属性来通过补贴财产。

fixMarkerId = function () {
                $( div[title^="mtg_"] ).each(function (index, elem) {
                    el = $(elem);
                    el.attr( id , el.attr( title ));
                    el.removeAttr( title );
            tryAgainFixMarkerId = function () {
                if ($( div[title^="mtg_"] ).length) {
                } else {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 100);

if ($( div[title^="mtg_"] ).length) {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 100);

我强烈建议不为任何生产环境提供这种解决办法。 但现在,我使用它,以便我能够保持发展。 但仍然寻求更好的解决办法。


I ve found this method to be useful, although it might not be suitable for all environments. When setting the marker image, add a unique anchor to the URL. For example:

// Create the icon
var icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    new google.maps.Size(64, 64),
    new google.maps.Point(0,0),
    new google.maps.Point(48, 32)

// Determine a unique id somehow, perhaps from your data
var markerId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
icon.url += "#" + markerId;

// Set up options for the marker
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    map: map,
    optimized: false,
    icon: icon,
    id: markerId,
    uniqueSrc: icon.url


$("img[src= data/ui/marker.png#619299 ]")


$("img[src= " + marker.uniqueSrc + " ]")

I was looking for the DOM element too in order to implement a custom tooltip. After a while digging into google overlays, custom libraries and so on, i ve ended up with the following solution based on fredrik s title approach (using jQuery) :

google.maps.event.addListener(marker,  mouseover , function() {

    if (!this.hovercardInitialized) {

        var markerInDOM = $( div[title="  + this.title +  "] ).get(0);

        // do whatever you want with the DOM element

        this.hovercardInitialized = true;



  1. Customize overlays (by implements onAdd, draw, remove) while drag it has some issues.
  2. Maybe you can get the marker dom element by the class name gmnoprint and the index it has been appended in.


它为我工作,直到发现财产名称从拖拉改到 r为止。 我不知道为什么,而且我无法找到解释,因为在洞 go图中,这种解释是一纸空洞,但我已围绕这一点做了工作。


marker.addListener( click , (e) => {

      let markerElement;

   // with underscore
    _.toArray(markerClickEvent).some(item => {
        if (item instanceof MouseEvent) {
            markerElement = item.target;
            return true;
  // or maybe with for loop
for (let key in markerClickEvent) {
        if (markerClickEvent.hasOwnProperty(key) && markerClickEvent[key] instanceof MouseEvent) {
            markerElement = markerClickEvent[key].target;

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