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原标题:touchesForView in hitTest

I have a simple UIView used like container. If I write this code:

- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {

    UIView *hitView = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];

    NSSet *sTouches = [event touchesForView:self];

    NSLog(@"Touches %d", [sTouches count] );

    return self;

Doesn t work! I would like get touches count in hitTest() message, before touchesBegan()! Is it possible?


  +---> UIScrollView 

When touch on my UIView (single tap) the container moves. When I double touch (two finger) on my UIView, the child UIScrollView doesn t work for Zoom (for example). So I have think to catch touches number.

If touch number is equal to one, hitTest on my UIView container return "self". Else, if touch number is great to one ( == 2), hitTest return "scrollview" pointer.



<编码> 测试在框架中用于确定哪些观点正在受到打击,从而将<代码>touches Began/>touchesMoved/>touches Ended/>>> touchesCancelled 电文发送至<>。 在<条码>点上,请你说明。


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