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Excel spreadsheet like library in Swing (=improved JTable)

I m searching for a free, open-source if possible, Java swing library that improves the existent JTable (which is very simple).

I want to do an application with a spreadsheet similar to Excel one. Without the formula but with copy/paste functionalities (multiple paste if multiple selection), column reorganizing, etc...

I ve found some, like JGrid (Jeppers) but is to simple. Or KTable, NatTable, NebulaGrid but they are for SWT :(. QuickTable seems cool but the free version has an advertisement text display above the grid...


I m not aware of any free solutions that suite your needs. SwingX offers JXTable, which I assume is too simple for you. Haven t tried it myself, though. JIDE does have some powerful table components but they re not free.


There is another spreadsheet component named Jxcell is really good(not free).

You can use an OpenJFX/JavaFX JFXPanel to put an OpenJFX/JavaFX spreadsheet view (from ControlsFX, under the permissive BSD-3-Clause license) into a Swing application.

I ve found no actively maintained free of charge solution purely implemented in Swing.

I ve written Joeffice, an open source (Apache license) office suite in Swing that includes viewing and editing Excel spreadsheet. The new version is coming in one month or 2. See also my post 2 days ago about Excel Viewer for IntelliJ IDEA.

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