English 中文(简体)
• 如何从Java EE的申请中提供一张袖珍材料?
原标题:How to serve a socket from a Java EE application?


http://yuml.me/7f82bd5c>rel=“nofollow noreferer”>alt text http://yuml.me/7f82bd5c



你有权这样做,因为你可以宣布在 JavaE的每一件交易,必须从你想要连接的所有组成部分那里得到支持。 如果有的话,档案应存放在数据库中。 所有物品都应由集装箱控制,因为这是利用Java EE进行推广的唯一途径。




  • distributable (you don t know beforehand on what server/instance your EJB will be deployed
  • the container is to be able to manage "everything" so you must not spawn your own threads


我采用的办法与我在春天的MVC时的需要有些相似。 这样做可以帮助周围的人。

Start a Socket Port on server start up. I used @scheduler annotation whereas you can use listener based solution as well. You can also implement ApplicationContextAware listener and can access other application beans from it.

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) 
public void startListenerPort() { 
    ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(9999); 
    // do some stuff here 

Just make sure that you have allowed TCP traffic on the port that you have assigned to the Socket (Firewall Settings).


虽然严格来说,这并非纯粹的技术性CP联系,但你可以取得您所需要的<条码>@ServerEndpoint的说明,以便从Java E7的光谱中建立一个网页。

虽然指定经营实体使用“吉卜赛人”系统,但它在<代码>时将发挥像双亲界面这样的作用。 OnMessage methods and a ByteBuffer (or byte[ ]).

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