I think the title is clear enough so I only add an example of typical situation.
First block of code:
<div id="mailpanel">
<h:panelGroup id="sendmailpane" styleClass="sendmailpane" layout="block"
<o:inputTextarea promptText="#{msg[ mail.listrules ]}" promptTextStyle="color: #333"
value="#{userReports.mailingList}" styleClass="maillist"/>
<h:commandLink id="sendlink" value="#{msg[ mail.sendLink ]}"
Second (copied) block of code:
<div id="mailpanel">
<h:panelGroup id="sendmailpane" styleClass="sendmailpane" layout="block"
<o:inputTextarea promptText="#{msg[ mail.listrules ]}" promptTextStyle="color: #333"
value="#{projectReports.mailingList}" styleClass="maillist"/>
<h:commandLink id="sendlink" value="#{msg[ mail.sendLink ]}"
As you can see both blocks of code are almost similar but each of them uses different backing bean (but even beans have a superclass and all used in this example methods are actually methods of that superclass).