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  • 时间:2008-12-19 15:05:58
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如果你已经在开发之前编写了设计规范和功能规范,并且你和客户都签署了你们对基本细节和所有细微语言使用的理解是一致的 - 那么真正的工作才能开始。


  • Software development is only 15% about the code, the rest is resource/people management.
  • It takes 20% of the time to complete the first 80% of the project and the remaining 80% of the time to complete the last 20%.

误解是一个工作原型已经完成了80% - 不要被愚弄,它没有。因此,客户很容易说“为什么这么久,我以为你们快完成了!”然后挑剔地说他们付了太多钱,而这应该在几个月前就完成了。一些设计方法论真的非常适合这种流行误解。瀑布式设计方法就是其中之一,如果不正确使用就会出现这种情况。


对于开发团队的项目经理来说,文档和期望是至关重要的。你不能没有它,它是你对抗“那不是我说的”或“那不是我想要的”的唯一手段,因此“我不会付款”的唯一手段。 对于开发团队的项目经理来说,文档和期望是至关重要的。你不能没有它,它是你对抗“那不是我说的”或“那不是我想要的”的唯一手段,因此“我不会付款”的唯一手段。










  1. Users so that they can make their requirements clear
  2. Developers to create the functionality
  3. Testers to make sure they are testing the right thing
  4. Architects so that they can analyze the requirements


坦白说,功能规格说明应该已经是您的大M(瀑布)方法论的一部分。您的功能规格说明是您要建造的东西; 不一定是您要如何建造它(这将是您的详细设计/规格说明和瀑布的下一步)。






<p style="tongue: in-cheek">它们还可以用于在大型组织中指责他人(要求不准确!实施没有遵循要求!QA没有正确测试这个要求!等等)。</p>

I ll second Codeslave s reference to Painless Functional Specification. It s a good series of articles on specifications. See also this Stackoverflow post for a discussion on what content to put into functional specs.

I ve done a few large projects, including one with some hundereds of person-years of total effort. As a project team gets larger the number of informal communication channels goes up with a quadratic upper bound. Without a spec this informal communication mechanism is the only way things can get communicated. With a spec, the communication channels approach a hub-and-spokes, making the growth more like a linear function of the project team size.

A spec is really the only scalable way to to get the team singing off the same hymn sheet . There should be some review and negotiation about the spec, but ultimately someone has to take ownership of this to avoid the project becoming a free-for-all.

I think they re a lovely idea, and should be tried.

Just a few comments on some of the answers here...

First of all, I do believe that a good spec document is important for any moderatly complex requirement (and definitly for highly complex ones). But make sure it is a good spec i.e. don t just state the obvious (like one poster already mentioned) but also don t leave out those parts that may seem trivial to you (or even the developers) since you might have more knowledge of that part of the system than some others involved (e.g. testers or documenters) which will appreciate the otherwise "missing bits".

And if your spec is good, it will get read - in my experience (and I ve written and read lots of specs over the last years) it s the bad specs that get dumped and the good ones that get followed.

Concerning user stories (or sometimes also called use cases): I think these are important to get an idea of the scenario, but they usually can t replace the details (e.g. screen mockups, how where and if a feature is configurable, data model, migration issues etc.) so you ll probably need both for more complex requirements.

In my experience, functional specs have a fine line between not saying enough and saying too much.

If they don t say enough, then they leave areas open to misunderstanding.

If they say too much, they don t leave enough "wiggle room" to improve the solution.

And they should always be open to a process of revision.

It depends on the functional specification. I ve had functional specifications where the writer knew the system inside and out, and wrote the specification as such, and I ve had other writers write it with just what they expected to see as a user.

With the former, it s easier because I know exactly what I need to write and where I need to write it, but it limits how easily I can refactor the existing code, since estimates took into account just this feature, and not refactoring existing code that it touches.

With the latter, I have freedom to refactor (so long as end functionality is the same), but if it s a system I m unfamiliar with, the time estimate is harder to make.

Overall, I love functional specifications -- I also like to remind people that they re written on paper that bends, and as such, should be flexible.

Whether you call them functional specs, business requirements, or user stories, they are all very beneficial to the development process.

The issue with them comes when they are chiseled in stone and used as a device to pass blame around when the system utimately doesn t fit with the user s real needs. I prefer to use the functionals or requirements as a starting point for an iterative process not as the bible for exactly how the system will look when it is complete. Things change, and users typically don t have an understanding of what they want until they have something (a working prototype possibly) in their hands that they can work with instead of conceptualizing on a piece of paper how it will function in the real world. The most successful projects I ve implemented were ones where the development team and the users were closely aligned and were able to rapidly turn around changes instead of holding people to what they wanted on a piece of paper six months ago.

Of course this process wouldn t work if you were in a fixed-bid type of situation as one of the earlier answers pointed out.

One interesting substitute for a func spec or user stories that I have seen advocated is to write a user manual for the software first.

Even if this is only notional (i.e. if you do not intend to ship any manual - which you probably shouldn t as nobody will read it), it can be a useful and reasonably lightweight way to reach a common understanding of what the software will do and look like. And it forces you to do the design up front.

I ve found that even if you write Functional Specs a lot of the detail is sometimes lost on the person you are trying to address. Now if a Functional Spec is written along with some kind of UI mockup, that makes a huge difference. UI mockups not only show the user what you are envisioning, it also triggers users into remembering things they wouldn t have thought off in the first place.

I have seen and written many specs, some were very good, most weren t. The main thing that they all had in common is that they were never followed. They all had cobwebs on them by the 3rd day of coding.

Write the spec if you want, the best time to do it is at the end of the project. It will be useless for developers to follow but it will at least be an accurate representation of what was done (I know- not really a spec). But don t expect the spec to get the code written for you. That is the real job. If you don t know what to write talk to your stakeholders and users and get some good user stories and then get on with it.
