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Blueprint CSS Extjs and JQuery in the same page, best way to make them coexist without conflict

I have a web page that needs references to jQuery and Blueprint and extjs, I ve seen some docs for dealing with

(1) jquery and other libraries and
(2) extjs and other libraries

The docs I ve found also seem to contradict each other a bit, and reference older versions of the libs, so was wondering if anyone did this and what is the least painful path ( so this task doesnt take me a looong time)

Note: this site needs to support ie6 ( this is js stuff so I m sure this is a relevant piece of info)

Thanks for your help


ExtJS doesn t make use of the "$" selector, so there is no conflict between it and jQuery. You can actually use jQuery as the base DOM manipulator for ExtJS, cutting down on the size of the JavaScript you re including.

Blueprint CSS won t cause any issues with the JavaScript, but might change the design of some of the ExtJS stuff. The easiest way to get around this is to include the Blueprint CSS stuff before you include the ExtJS CSS; this way, ExtJS will override anything it needs, and you will have no issues.



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