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Redmine Plugins - Detecting enabling and disabling of modules

I m working with an external framework (redmine) which has one Project model that has_many EnabledModules.

Projects can have EnabledModules "attached" or "removed" via the module names, like this:

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :enabled_modules, :dependent => :delete_all
  def enabled_module_names=(module_names)
    module_names = [] unless module_names && module_names.is_a?(Array)
    module_names.each do |name|
      enabled_modules << EnabledModule.new(:name => name.to_s)

I d like to detect when new modules are attached/removed via callbacks on EnabledModule, and not modify the "original source code" if possible.

I can detect "attachments" like this:

class EnabledModule < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :project

  after_create :module_created

  def module_created
    logger.log("Module attached to project #{self.project_id}")

I thought that a before_destroy would work for detecting removals, but it will not. This happens because the enabled_modules.clear call on Project.enabled_module_names=, doesn t invoke destroy on the modules. It just sets their project_id to nil. So I figured I should use a after_update or before_update.

If I use after_update, how can I get the previous project_id?

If I use before_update, how can I differentiate between modules that are just updated and modules whose project_id is going to be reset to nil?

Should I use a totally different approach here?

EDIT: I just found out that I could get the old values with _was (i.e. self.project_was). However, collection.clear doesn t seem to trigger update callbacks. Any other solutions?

EDIT 2: Changed title


I ended up reimplementing the enabled_module_names= method of projects, including a file in vendor/plugins/my_plugin/lib/my_plugin/patches/project_patch.rb and alias.

module MyPlugin
  module Patches
    module ProjectPatch
      def self.included(base)
        base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
        base.class_eval do
          unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development

          # This replaces the existing version of enabled_module_names with a new one
          # It is needed because we need the "destroy" callbacks to be fired,
          # and only on the erased modules (not all of them - the default 
          # implementation starts by wiping them out in v0.8 ish)
          alias_method :enabled_module_names=, :sympa_enabled_module_names=

      module ClassMethods

      module InstanceMethods

        # Redefine enabled_module_names so it invokes 
        # mod.destroy on disconnected modules
        def sympa_enabled_module_names=(module_names)

          module_names = [] unless module_names and module_names.is_a?(Array)
          module_names = module_names.collect(&:to_s)
          # remove disabled modules
          enabled_modules.each {|mod| mod.destroy unless module_names.include?(mod.name)}

          # detect the modules that are new, and create those only
          module_names.reject {|name| module_enabled?(name)}.each {|name| enabled_modules << EnabledModule.new(:name => name) }

I had to include some code on my vendor/plugins/my_plugin/init.rb file, too:

require  redmine 

require  dispatcher 

# you can add additional lines here for patching users, memberships, etc...
Dispatcher.to_prepare :redmine_sympa do
  require_dependency  project 
  require_dependency  enabled_module 

  Project.send(:include, RedmineSympa::Patches::ProjectPatch)
  EnabledModule.send(:include, RedmineSympa::Patches::EnabledModulePatch)


Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_sympa do
# ... usual redmine plugin init stuff

After this, I was able to detect deletions on enabled modules (via before_delete) on my patcher.


It looks like revision 2473 onwards of Redmine should solve your problem. See the diffs here: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/repository/diff/trunk/app/models/project.rb?rev=2473&rev_to=2319

Basically the code has been modified such that removed modules are destroyed rather than deleted, the difference being that model callbacks are not fired for deletes.

There s another related fix in revision 3036 that seems important (see http://www.redmine.org/issues/4200) so you might want to pick up at least that version.


If I use after_update, how can I get the previous project_id

Maybe try project_id_was, it s provided by ActiveRecord::Dirty

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