i m about asking for help with a Redux/React js, as the several(~10) Freelance Modern JS technicians gave up on this task. The script in question is from the WordPress commercial theme i ve purchased and the author denied to provide support as the support license expired(unused). So, the theme s front-site page is generated via Redux WP plugin by file named "theme.js". It is containing javascript compressed code that is too complex to manually edit while my task is just to move a few div content blocks from the default positions into new and have somewhat more appealing page layout.
Would interested here, take a look at the scripts in the attachment, "theme.js" is the actual generated layout file, the "edit-blocks-positioning.txt" are the listed block modifications i want to apply(into theme.js*) and it s jquery version is the "jquery-mod.js"(**),
- please suggest how to edit(*) or how to have jQuery(**) to work on top of the Redux generated "theme.js".
I ve read about React, Node JS etc.Modern Framework JS, where are provided standard ways to have working jQuery as with import jquey, custom library method "nodeQuery", ES6 syntax for jquery import and also "expose-loader" of "webpack" as this script is working under 10 s of js frameworks libraries as React,Node,Babel,WebPack... still with all NPM modules installed around 100k files, set and tested but no avail on this small task!
To add, i ve the simplest applicable solution "jquery-mod.js" working albeit only with the opened browser Development Tools.
edit-blocks-positioning.txt 3 KB
theme.js 2 MB
jquery-mod.js :
jQuery(function() { jQuery( section.product--section:nth-child(1) ).insertBefore( .profile--owner ); jQuery( .product--actions.flex.justify-between.py-14.pl-24.pr-30.bg-grey-100 ).insertBefore( .product--advertisement.mt-30 ); jQuery( .product--actions ).insertBefore( .product--advertisement.mt-30 ); });
Thank you for any contributions or advice on this regard.