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原标题:Css editor with certain features [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

我需要一名具有某些职能的轻型编辑。 下载和审判了几只 app子,但还没有灯塔,它们都不符合我的要求。 实际上,有一,CssEdit(或文本Mate),但不幸的是,把窗户当作用户......


  • built-in NetBeans IDE css editor (btw nice editor, the one i m using now for css)
  • IntelJ IDE (very good html and css editor, but using the entire ide just for this - that s crazy)
  • ArduoCss (very buggy in win7 environment)
  • Notepad
  • Notepad++ (it rules, but as i said, i need something more functional for css editing)
  • Style Master ( if i don t find anything else, probably i ll choose this one)
  • Stylizer ( also might be my choice, but it s black interface kills me, also extremy noob-oriented, i even couldn t find a way to see the source code)


  • grouping by comments like here
  • snippets
  • autocomplete,
  • if i type for instance f-s, it should recognize and expand it to "font-size" property
  • color picker

The editor must have at least the first feature that i listed above. Sorry for my poor english.


This is the closest thing to TextMate on the windows platform that I know of: http://www.e-texteditor.com/


查阅TopStyle诉4 - 极好的Windows CSS(和超文本)编辑。 大产品,值得其注册价格。

参看Zent Coding。 它对若干名副编辑的插图,为CSS(和超文本)编码增加了有用的功能。

http://code.google.com/p/zen-coding/"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>http://code.google.com/p/zen-coding/

您可以把石化器的黑色接口转至白交接处CTRL + F10。 此外,基勒理论的制定也不同,即你不需要看到“来源代码”。 接口只是来源代码的图形表述。

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