I work in a multi-language environment and use Vim + ctags for navigating the code. However we also use CORBA and exuberant ctags does not parse IDL files.
Does anyone know of a ctags compatible tags generator for IDL?
I work in a multi-language environment and use Vim + ctags for navigating the code. However we also use CORBA and exuberant ctags does not parse IDL files.
Does anyone know of a ctags compatible tags generator for IDL?
If you use a simple regexp parser then it is a fairly trivial exercise to extend Exuberant Ctags to support another language.
For example, below is an example of a regexp parser taken from the Exuberant Ctags parser page:
* make.c
* Regex-based parser for makefile macros
#include "general.h" /* always include first */
#include "parse.h" /* always include */
static void installMakefileRegex (const langType language)
addTagRegex (language, "(^|[ ])([A-Z0-9_]+)[ ]*:?=", "\2", "m,macro", "i");
/* Create parser definition stucture */
extern parserDefinition* MakefileParser (void)
static const char *const patterns [] = { "[Mm]akefile", NULL };
static const char *const extensions [] = { "mak", NULL };
parserDefinition* const def = parserNew ("Makefile");
def->patterns = patterns;
def->extensions = extensions;
def->initialize = installMakefileRegex;
def->regex = TRUE;
return def;
It s quite easy to add another language to ctags using a few regular expressions and the ctags configuration file.
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