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Django:压倒一切 相关的外勤人员
原标题:Django: override RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper


我发现,印刷该代码的植被为 相关外勤人员WidgetWrapper,载于django/contrib/admin/widgets.py


但现在我如何利用它? 我指的是......在我的模型定义中,我不得不以这种方式使用<代码>formfield_overrides?

formfield_overrides = {
        models.ForeignKey: { widget : customRelatedFieldWidgetWrapper},

I think that this is not the right way, because that widget is not the one that manage the whole foreign key, but only the "+" icon. Am I wrong?





class CustomForm(forms.ModelForm):
    user = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=User.objects.all(), widget=yourCustomWidget)

class Meta:
    model = MyModel

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     form = CustomForm

我通过key骑派植被,稍有不同地对待这一变化,这样,变化就反映在所有形式上,你不会用 d子源代码 around。

我之所以这样做,是因为我正在致力于定制以下网站:http://github.com/yawd/yawd-admin”rel=“nofollow”>yawd admin,这是一个非常 n的Twitter-Bootsdorf皮肤用于行政接口。 现在,我的所有信条都受到谴责。

import django.contrib.admin.widgets

class MyRelatedFieldWidgetWrapper(django.contrib.admin.widgets.RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper):
    This class is a wrapper to a given widget to add the add icon for the
    admin interface.
    def render(self, name, value, *args, **kwargs):
        rel_to = self.rel.to
        info = (rel_to._meta.app_label, rel_to._meta.model_name)
        self.widget.choices = self.choices
        output = [self.widget.render(name, value, *args, **kwargs)]
        if self.can_add_related:
            related_url = reverse(
                % info, current_app=self.admin_site.name
            <a  href="%s"
                onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);

                <i class="help icon-large icon-plus-sign"
            </a>""" % (related_url, _( Add Another ), name))
            return mark_safe(  .join(output))

# Monkeypatch it
django.contrib.admin.widgets.RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper = MyRelatedFieldWidgetWrapper

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