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Personal tool for authoring & organizing user stories? [closed]

My company uses Jira for storing requirements, which are written in the form of User Stories ("As a ... I want ... So that...") with details in the subtasks ("Given ... when ... then...").

I write requirements, usually an iteration ahead of the developers.

I tend to draft my requirements in a word processor before putting them in Jira. I like the flexibility as I m working out the best way to organize the information, jumping around from one story to another, using search & replace as I figure out the clearest wording, etc.

While a word processor outline is helpful for much of this, it s not so good at tracking issue links: dependencies & related requirements.

So, can anybody recommend a good tool for writing stories & tasks which allows me to diagram relationships as I write? I ve been thinking in terms of something which handles concept mapping (though not mind mapping, which is generally limited to 1 central concept). This is just for my personal authoring; I don t need a project management system.

Thanks in advance.

Update: After posting this, I started wondering about TiddlyWiki. That s not quite the right tool, given its linking methods, but seems the right direction... Does that vein spark any ideas?


What about a simple spreadsheet (like this one)? A spreadsheet is extremely powerful (to re/organize, filter, etc) and has always worked well for me (use indentation if required or a additional column for IDs of related stories).

We use a combination of spreadsheets and an internal Wiki for user stories. The spreadsheet holds the basic information, like ID, title, user role, priority and so on as well as a link to the Wiki page for this story.

The Wiki page then has all the information about the user story, a full description, acceptance criteria, design notes and so on.

If there are dependencies between stories these are included as links within the user story usually with a short note about what this dependency means (e.g. "This story assumes that story x has been completed" or "Y & Z are not part of this story, but of story X").

This is a pretty low-tech solution, and doesn t really support visual diagrams of relations. However, it has worked for us so far.

Perhaps this is overkill, but does Mingle by Thoughtworks do what you need?

(I am not actually a Mingle user, but this sounds like the sort of thing it would do.)

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