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RIA platform like Netbeans RCP

Does anyone have any experience with a really good RIA platform. I m going to begin developing an application, and I intend to use Netbeans RCP for the thick client. I d also like to create a RIA version of the same app. I ve looked around for a RIA framework that rivals what you can get with the Netbeans RCP, and really haven t found one. My requirements are as follows.

  • Modular - I would like to be able to add and remove features without recompiling
  • Out of the box features - I d like to have feature out of the box that are similar to Netbeans RCP (or most any other RCP), such as a menu system built in, a windowing system (allowing docking and remembering where windows were between sessions), Authentication and Authorization support out of the box, as well as the "Options pane support (I really like how I can add amodule, and have that module expose options through the standard "options" dialog).
  • Actions and commands - I d like to be able to handle actions from other modules without needing to couple the action to the other module.
  • I would like to deploy the app through GlassFish, but that s not a deal breaker.
  • Modern - the framework should use the latest standards, and I m planning on moving to J2EE7 as soon as I can, so the platform must be actively updated to support such a migration.
  • I m willing to pay, but the license must not be "per server" or "per instance"
  • Java isn t a must but I m planning on using java for the rest of the app (services layer) and the Netbeans RCP front end.

I ve been a .net developer for the last 6 years, and have just recently looked into the world of java, and I m really amazed at the rich community, I thought .net had a large open source community, but the java one is orders of magnitude bigger. I don t know of anything even close to the Netbeans RCP in the .net community, let alone a RIA version.

I ve looked at a few frameworks, but most of them seem to be mostly libraries that you can use to build applications, I really don t want to spend the time and maintanance cost to build the infrastructure listed above. Things I ve looked at are....

  • Tepestry
  • "SmartClient"
  • GWT
  • Wicket

These all seem to be good building block, but I want an out of the box solution. The application will be mostly CRUD operations, but I will also be streaming video through the app, as well as handling alerts and events from the server.

Thanks for any advice



Eclipse with the GWT plugin is fairly easy to get running out of the box. Step through the GWT tutorial first and you ll be ready to go. I realize you ve already looked at GWT but the Eclipse plugin simplifies a lot of grunt work.

Indeed. GWT Eclipse plugin simplifies compilation, depoloying and running them (Jetty). It also has App Engine support.

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