English 中文(简体)
原标题:Flex transitions target all elements

I want to fade all the elements of the next state when transitioning from any state. I tried different things but I can t get it to work. And I don t want to manually add transitions for every state.


<s:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
        <s:Fade target="*" duration="500" />

Hey, mihaimetal。 我在努力处理这件事情之后,刚刚找到你。 由此可见,这样做的最佳方式不是使用target property,而是使用targets。 这样一来,你就可以通过改动可<>/em>的整条轨道。 我可能强调,因为只有你在Array给你的信标上<>各条目标,在各州之间实际变化的项目才会受到影响。


<s:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
    <s:Fade targets="{[hboxID_1, hboxID_2, hboxID_3]}" duration="500" />



附属于各州的布歇式屏幕,每次一次。 我不想放弃国家变革。




targets="{[ * ]}"





    <s:State name="default" stateGroups="sessionless"/>
    <s:State name="Welcome" stateGroups="session" />
    <s:State name="Settings" stateGroups="session" />
<s:Panel includeIn="sessionless">
    <comp:Login id="login" includeIn="Login" />
<s:Panel includeIn="session">
    <comp:Welcome id="welcome" includeIn="Welcome" />
    <comp:Settings id="settings" includeIn="Settings" />
<s:transitions><s:Transition id="fader" fromState="*" toState="*">
    <s:Fade duration="4000" targets="{[settings,login,welcome]}" />

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