You may want to consider switching over to XMLSerializer instead. Here is what I have determined over time:
The XMLSerializer and DataContractSerializer classes provides a simple means of serializing and deserializing object graphs to and from XML.
The key differences are:
XMLSerializer has much smaller payload than DCS if you use [XmlAttribute] instead of [XmlElement]
DCS always store values as elements
DCS is "opt-in" rather than "opt-out"
With DCS you explicitly mark what you want to serialize with [DataMember]
With DCS you can serialize any field or property, even if they are marked protected or private
With DCS you can use [IgnoreDataMember] to have the serializer ignore certain properties
With XMLSerializer public properties are serialized, and need setters to be deserialized
With XmlSerializer you can use [XmlIgnore] to have the serializer ignore public properties
BE AWARE! DCS.ReadObject DOES NOT call constructors during deserialization
If you need to perform initialization, DCS supports the following callback hooks:
[OnDeserializing], [OnDeserialized], [OnSerializing], [OnSerialized]
(also useful for handling versioning issues)
If you want the ability to switch between the two serializers, you can use both sets of attributes simultaneously, as in:
public class ProfilePerson : NotifyPropertyChanges
public string FirstName { get { return m_FirstName; } set { SetProperty(ref m_FirstName, value); } }
private string m_FirstName;
public PersonLocation Location { get { return m_Location; } set { SetProperty(ref m_Location, value); } }
private PersonLocation m_Location = new PersonLocation(); // Should change over time
public Profile ParentProfile { get { return m_ParentProfile; } set { SetProperty(ref m_ParentProfile, value); } }
private Profile m_ParentProfile = null;
public ProfilePerson()
Also, check out my Serializer class that can switch between the two:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace ClassLibrary
// Instantiate this class to serialize objects using either XmlSerializer or DataContractSerializer
internal class Serializer
private readonly bool m_bDCS;
internal Serializer(bool bDCS)
m_bDCS = bDCS;
internal TT Deserialize<TT>(string input)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(input.ToByteArray());
if (m_bDCS)
DataContractSerializer dc = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TT));
return (TT)dc.ReadObject(stream);
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TT));
return (TT)xs.Deserialize(stream);
internal string Serialize<TT>(object obj)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
if (m_bDCS)
DataContractSerializer dc = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TT));
dc.WriteObject(stream, obj);
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TT));
xs.Serialize(stream, obj);
// be aware that the Unicode Byte-Order Mark will be at the front of the string
return stream.ToArray().ToUtfString();
internal string SerializeToString<TT>(object obj)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(builder);
if (m_bDCS)
DataContractSerializer dc = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TT));
dc.WriteObject(xmlWriter, obj);
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TT));
xs.Serialize(xmlWriter, obj);
string xml = builder.ToString();
xml = RegexHelper.ReplacePattern(xml, RegexHelper.WildcardToPattern("<?xml*>", WildcardSearch.Anywhere), string.Empty);
xml = RegexHelper.ReplacePattern(xml, RegexHelper.WildcardToPattern(" xmlns:*"*"", WildcardSearch.Anywhere), string.Empty);
xml = xml.Replace(Environment.NewLine + " ", string.Empty);
xml = xml.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);
return xml;
Good Luck,
Jim McCurdy
Face To Face Software and YinYangMoney