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  • 时间:2008-12-04 13:07:59
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好的。ESB指导关于Biztalk的建议性架构组 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc487894.aspx




In most integration scenarios you can go quite far before using something like BizTalk. I would make sure that I couldn’t do the integration more simply before going with BizTalk.

Only if it seems that the integration solution needs to scale to high volumes with low latency (it’s got a fantastic asynchronous publish-subscribe mechanism), and you need fault tolerance (it’s got redundancy, scaling and message retry features) and governance over the solution (it’s got Business Activity Monitoring) would you really have strong arguments to consider using BizTalk. And if you know that there are multiple future integrations that will be needed then it gets really compelling to use BizTalk.

On the other hand you need to make sure the skills are available to operate the thing. It takes a while to learn and a paradigm shift for the developers of the systems. However its built from the ground up in .NET and SQL Server so there is quite a lot of familiarity in the tooling and concepts.

I think the key thing is to get the conceptual architecture of a solution right taking into account the non-functional requirements like performance, availability, extensibility, resilience, robustness, and scalability and making sure they are properly addressed by the technical design. You may find its cheaper to pay the 35k$ per CPU license for what BizTalk gives you out the box than to develop for all these NFRs.

我最近在客户端实施了全新的ESB Toolkit 2.0,对此非常满意。行程(请参见路由滑板图案http://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/RoutingTable.html)处理功能使Web服务的组合变得容易,灵活和快速。

I think it makes sense to have a data broker based on the requirements you described, but I personally don t think that BizTalk would be the best choice in your situation. For the type of integration you ve described, I would look at a hardware data broker appliance. Some that I ve seen work well are IBM DataPower, Vordel s appliance, and Layer7 s appliance. For the type of calls you ll be using this for, an appliance is ideal. They provide routing, transformation, and translation, plus they ll protect against things like schema poisoning. They ll also handle authorization, authentication, and auditing by linking it to your user store (I m guessing you have an Active Directory user store based on the environment you described, but it will also work with LDAP)



So - do I think BizTalk will fit what you wish to do? categorically yes. Do I think you re right to avoid point to point connections - also yes, but, like with any refactoring exercise for reuse, including any SOA initiative, you must consider how much change and now much re-use you expect to decide how far you re taking you re "decoupling" exercise.


这是一个非常明显的模式。通常,当您从A系统向B系统发送消息时,您会直接将A系统的格式转换为B系统所需的格式。当您拥有ESB时,您将System A的消息转换为ESB格式(即通用采购订单等),然后转换为System B所需的格式。这是两次转换而不是一次,并且总线模式要求每个消息都有一个动词(例如添加、删除、更新等)。这是一个非常重要的区别,也是使ESB在与许多参与系统进行集成时非常有用的原因。
