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原标题:Java, read from file throws io exception - read error


 fis1 = new FileInputStream(file1);
 String data;
    dis1 = new DataInputStream(fis);
    buffread1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(dis1));
    while( (data= buffread1.readLine())!=null){


如今,已经变成了“奥例”的错误。 现在,我想我可能无法阅读档案中的数据,因为这些数据储存在以下格式中。

#SP,IN-1009579,13:00:33,20/01/2010,    $Bœ™šAe%N                        
BVÈ–7$B™šAciC                        B]|XçF [s  +    ýŒ         01210B3âEªP6@·B.

the above is just one line of the file and i want to read every line of that file and carry out operation on the data that is read. Any pointers on how the above can be accomplished would be of great help.



参看binary data。 您不想把它完全读为character data。 相反,使用<条码>InputStream,而不是<条码>Reader改为二元数据。 更多地了解国际交易日志的基本内容,查阅太阳自己的IO tutorial


我猜测你想要的只是: (DataInputStream期望一些作为一系列特质的物体......)

    buffread1=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file1));
    while( (data= buffread1.readLine())!=null){


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