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C# or JAVA library for gesture recognition from webcam?

I have a project for gesture recognition. I was wondering how can use C# or Java to program it? Is there any special library? Do I need programming or do I need a special device rather than a webcam?


Have you looked at OpenCV?

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.

Example applications of the OpenCV library are Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Object Identification, Segmentation and Recognition; Face Recognition; Gesture Recognition; Camera and Motion Tracking, Ego Motion, Motion Understanding; Structure From Motion (SFM); Stereo and Multi-Camera Calibration and Depth Computation; Mobile Robotics.


There are C# bindings for OpenCV with a few gesture projects listen in this very similar StackOverflow answer, from which I quote:

I ve heard that AForge is pretty awesome (check out the AForge.Vision.Motion namespace).

A quick Google query gave me this: Video Hands Gesture Recognition in C#

This is also interesting: Video Motion Detection Algorithms in C#

Have you tried AForge.Net

It rocks alot .. and is very easy to implement. There is a Code Project Article as well here

You can use emguCV.net. it is a wrapper for OpenCV which can be used in C#. Also they have covered almost all the functionalities of OpenCV and they provide sufficient documentations to make development easy.

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