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Highlighting whole street with some maps API

Is there any way to highlight/display on Google/Bing/(any other map provider) Maps whole street (from the beginning of the street to the end of)?

I know the existence of Polyline in Google Maps API, but it s just connecting two latitude points, and there is no way of making it automatic so I could display any street in some city.

Also I was thinking about Directions, but many street are 2 way, there is no guarante that you will mark whole street and it s just now user friendly. Example


You may want to check Mike Williams article on how to snap points and polylines to streets with the Google Maps API:

Especially this example:

Take a look at OpenStreetMap. (Google and Bing won t let you access their underlying street data.)

You can show a map with OSM tiles, and use the API to query for the features you re interested in displaying on the map. OpenLayers is a javascript mapping library that could support this.

Here s a view of Chicago showing street vectors and other features overlaid on top of the map tiles:


In Azure Maps you could access the vector tile road layers and use a data driven style based on the name of the road. Here is a tool that inspects the underlying data in the map tiles and highlights things that you click on. This has a lot of the basic functionality that you would need to achieve what you are asking for: https://azuremapscodesamples.azurewebsites.net/?search=inspect&sample=Inspect%20features%20under%20the%20mouse

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