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原标题:How do I prevent SQL Server from concatenating XML results with the same name

我试图在2008年利用XML特征制作XML文件,但I m正在成为一个问题,即文件要求两个节点有相同的名称,但服务器自动将任何名称相同的节点聚集在一起。


  <Address>Some Street</Address>
  <Address>Some other info</Address>


  <Address>Some StreetSome other info</Address>


 SELECT CustomerStreet1 AS  location/address ,
        CustomerStreet2 AS  location/address 
   FROM Customers
FOR XML PATH( Customer )


WITH    customers (id, CustomerStreet1, CustomerStreet2) AS
        SELECT  1,  Some Street ,  Some other info 
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2,  Second Street , NULL
        SELECT  *
        FROM    (
                SELECT  CustomerStreet1 AS Address
                UNION ALL
                SELECT  CustomerStreet2
                ) q
        FOR XML PATH(  ), TYPE
FROM    customers 
FOR XML PATH( Customers )


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