English 中文(简体)
• 如何在压缩机箱中实现自动电气化,填入一个文本箱,并在使用VB的javascript为基础的网站上提交一个子。 NET和WebView?
原标题:How to auto-select in a combo box, populate a textbox, and submit a button on a javascript-based website using VB.NET and WebView?

我利用VB.NET、视像基础和网上意见,试图说明如何使 com子项目的选定自动化,如何储存一个文本箱,然后如何点击一个提交纽州。 我正试图使网站自动使用javascript,而我有点利用网上电文,找到了如何开展工作的良好范例。 到目前为止,我只能浏览各个网页,并且能够把内部的超文本带进地。

我想自动电解的 com盒(“名录号码”)在这里:

<select onchange="getUtilityListValues(this, &quot;PhoneFindListForm&quot;, updateUtilityList); onSearchFieldChange(0)" size="1" id="searchField0" name="searchField0">
<option value="device.name">Device Name</option>
<option value="device.description">Description</option>
**<option value="numplan.dnorpattern">Directory Number</option>**
<option value="numplanuri.uri">Directory URI</option>
<option value="altnumber.dnderived">Alternate Number</option>
<option value="callingsearchspace.name">Calling Search Space</option>
<option value="devicepool.name">Device Pool</option>
<option value="TypeProduct.name">Device Type</option>
<option value="pickupgroup.name">Call Pickup Group</option>
<option value="TypeCertificateStatus.name">LSC Status</option>
<option value="device.LSCValidUntil">LSC Expires</option>
<option value="device.LSCIssuerName">LSC Issued By </option>
<option value="device.LSCIssuerValidUntil">LSC Issuer Expires By</option>
<option value="device.authenticationString">Authentication String</option>
<option value="TypeDeviceProtocol.name">Device Protocol</option>
<option value="securityprofile.name">Security Profile</option>
<option value="commondeviceconfig.name">Common Device Configuration</option>

我希望自动选出的下一个 com子(“与”相呼应”):

<input id="searchLimVal0" value="" name="searchLimVal0" type="hidden">
<option value="beginsWith">begins with</option>
<option value="contains">contains</option>
**<option value="endsWith">ends with</option>**
<option value="isExactly">is exactly</option>
<option value="isEmpty">is empty</option>
<option value="isNotEmpty">is not empty</option>


<input id="searchString0" onkeypress="javascript:onEnterKey(event)" value="" name="searchString0" type="text">


<input value="Find" class="cuesButton" name="findButton" onclick="javascript:onFindSubmit()" type="button">



webView.ExecuteScriptAsync("document.getElementByid( searchString0 ).value =  2399 ;")


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