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Smartclient GWT making a ListGridRecord field editable using a custom DataSource

We re using SmartClient GWT library (see the Smartclient GWT showcase here).

I m trying to make a ListGrid UI that when you click a record the fields become editable. Just like the example:

The difference is I m using my own custom GWT RPC services and manually adding ListGridRecord s to my own DataSource, and I see my records appear but the fields aren t editable when clicked. I ve created a custom DataSource using the GWTRPCDataSource implementation and properly override the executeFetch method.

Is there some special processing that s going on using the examples XML DataSource that creates ListGridRecords that properly set it up to be editable?

For example I m using the CountryXMLDS.java just like the example except I m adding one custom record (and I ve removed all fields but the population field that I want to be editable). I see my record appear but the field is NOT editable when the record is clicked.

    ListGridField populationField = new ListGridField("population", "population");

   countryGrid.setFields( populationField);


    ListGridRecord record = new ListGridRecord();
    record.setAttribute("population", "5");

Whatever the problem is, it s not in the details you ve shared. Try these steps:

  1. make sure you re calling setDataSource() on the ListGrid with your DataSource

  2. make sure the name of your ListGrid field matches a field from the DataSource. This is case sensitive

  3. make sure you have a primaryKey declared in the DataSource. There s no way to save edits unless there s a way to identify records

  4. look for messages in the Developer Console


  5. shotgun approach: override ListGrid.canEditCell() and return whatever you want - this overrides all the declarative settings like field.canEdit.



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