English 中文(简体)
Can I make a protected member public in Java? I want to access it from a subclass

I m new to Java and OOP,

I was using a private subclass (actually a struct) B in a class A, and everything went well until I decided to make a parent class C for subclass B. I want make public some of the protected members of class C.

For example:

public class A {
   private class B extends C {
       public int product;
       public int x;
       public int y;
       public void add() {
   B b=new B;

public class C {
   protected int x;
   protected int y;
   public int sum;
   public C(px,py) {
   public void sum() {

And I get

Implicit super constructor C() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor

Of course, I could remove extends C, and go back to what I had before. Or I could make a getter/setter. But I think it is understandable that an inner struct is acceptable, and it should be able to extend other classes.


The compiler message is reasonably clear - in B you ve effectively got:

public B() {

and that fails because there s no parameterless constructor in C to call. Either introduce a parameterless constructor, or provide an explicit constructor in B which calls the constructor in C with appropriate arguments.

I m not sure it s a good idea to have all these non-private fields, mind you - nor is it a good idea for fields in B to hide fields in C. Do you really want an instance of B to have two x fields and two y fields? You realise they will be separate fields, don t you?

If you just want to effectively provide public access, you could have:

public void setX(int x) {
    this.x = x;

public int getX() {
    return x;

(and the same for y) and remove the extra fields from B. You can t change the actual accessibility of the fields in C though.


Okay, I was fuddling with my own code and found that the problem is I needed a protected default constructor for superclass C. It works now...

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