- Set up a PC. It takes requests from a website I make to send out SMS messages: a user-entered destination phone number, and a user-entered text message
- I get a GSM modem, or just a GSM phone. I connect it to the computer.
- I get a service plan from Verizon or whoever, some sort of unlimited SMS messaging plan.
- They give me a SIM card, which has my unique phone # attached to it (ex: 555-5555). I stick this in the GSM modem.
- I get some application (like Kannel) which handles interfacing with the modem and sending out the messages from my machine.
- Now users can visit my theoretical website, enter a phone # and message. I grab that data, forward it to Kannel. Kannel interacts with the modem, passing it the data for the message. The modem interacts with the carrier network I signed up with, and broadcasts the actual SMS to it. The carrier network handles routing the message to the actual destination.
这是我对它如何运作的理解。 现在,这一文本信息的接收者将从我的电解号(555-5555)中看到这一信息。 事实上,使用我的服务的所有数千人都将看到同一来源的电话号码。
例如,当我报名参加Piich的这些免费特别服务时,他们给我一个独特的用户ID,例如123。 我的朋友正在接受一个正常的AT&T电话计划。 他可以向123人发出短信,我会收到一些信息。 AT&如何工作;T知道该第三方服务路线如何? 我可以想象,他们会得到一个新SIM卡,每个用户都有一个独特的电话号码,显示他们的服务。
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