我正在尝试为Visual Studio编程宏,但感到非常沮丧(使用VS 2008,版本9.0.30729.1 SP,带有所有更新)。
在宏资源管理器中,我可以转到 Microsoft 的样例/VSEditor 并添加一个符合我的要求的子程序,但是我似乎无法在其他地方使其起作用,特别是在宏资源管理器中的 MyMacros 区域。
I have copied the entire samples/VSEditor code and copied it to MyMacros/Testing and renamed the internal module name to Testing and saved the modified code. Macro Explorer now shows the Testing module and all of the Subroutines it contains. If I right click on, say, InsertDate and select Run, nothing happens. But if I scroll down to the samples/VSEditor/InsertDate and right click and select Run, it inserts the date as one would expect. It is virtually identical code (just the location and name changes mentioned above) but one runs and the other doesn t.