I assume this would be an issue with any JavaScript framework.
I use MooTools on allot of the pages on my site. On some pages the scripts are 2 years old. When a new page needs MooTools I usually download the latest version to avoid any possible hang-ups with past bugs and to make use of any new features.
This has worked fine as my older pages still work and my new pages have the latest and greatest.
Recently I ve wanted to use MooTools on page elements that are shared on all pages of the site. Like the site header or navigation.
I have not done this yet but I assume that having a site-wide version of MooTools will conflict with existing versions in use on older pages.
I d hate to be committed to one version for the whole site, and only upgrading when I ve tested all the older pages to ensure they didn t break with a new version.
Questions are: What options do I have? What solutions have you guys used that work? Is there a feature that allows for two versions to coexist on the same page?