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How to get Content-type using html simple dom?

I tried find( meta[http-equiv="Content-type"] ) but it failed to retrieve that information.


SimpleHTMLDom doesn t use quoted string literals in the selector. It s just elem[attr=value]. And the comparison of value seems to be case-sensitive (there may be a way to make it case-insensitive, but that I don t know)*


require  simple_html_dom.php ;
$html = file_get_html( http://www.google.com/ );
// most likely one one element but foreach doesn t hurt
foreach( $html->find( meta[http-equiv=content-type] ) as $ct ) { 
  echo $ct->content, "

prints text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1.

*edit: yes, there is a way to perform a case-insensitive match, use *= instead of =

find( meta[http-equiv*=content-type] )

edit2: btw that http-equiv*=content-type thingy would also match <meta http-equiv="haha-no-content-types"... (it only tests if the string is somewhere in the attribute s value). But it s the only case-insensitive function/operator I could find. I guess you can live with it in this case ;-)
edit 3: It uses preg_match( .../i ) and the pattern/selector is directly passed to that function. Therefore you could do something like http-equiv*=^content-type$ to match http-equiv="Content-type" but not http-equiv="xyzContent-typeabc". But I don t know if this is a warranted feature.


The Content-Type is typically part of the http-response headers - not in the body. Where did you get the xml document from?

I would go foreach on $this->find( meta ); in case of differently written content-type - I think that browsers aren t in this case case sensitive, while php might be.

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