English 中文(简体)
PowerShell:在input type=file表单中写入值。
原标题:PowerShell: write value in a input type=file Form.

我在加载的网页上有一个 input type=text 输入框,我填充值后点击提交按钮,一切都正常。

$ie=New-Object -comobject InternetExplorer.Application 
while($ie.busy){Start-Sleep 1} 
while($ie.busy){Start-Sleep 1}

I d also like to populate a input type=file box with c: emp est.txt and upload this. I read that because of security reasons the value= is not supported from the browsers.

Is there any workaround to do this with PowerShell? Maybe "click" the browse button and select the file or use sendkeys?



$WatinPath =  c:inwatinWatiN.Core.dll  #path with downloaded assembly
$watin     = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom( $WatinPath )

$ie        = new-object WatiN.Core.IE("https://myurl/test.html")
$file1 = $ie.FileUpload( file1 ) #id of the input
$file1.set( C:	emp	est.txt ) # path to the file

# and now just find the button and click on it
$o = $ie.Button( send ) #send is id of the submit button




$f = $ie.FileUpload({param($fu) $fu.GetAttributeValue("name") -eq  the name you have  })


$f = $ie.FileUploads | ? { $_.GetAttributeValue("name") -eq  the name you have  }

我强烈建议使用WebClient或HttpWebRequest而不是驱动IE GUI。有一个使用PowerShell的WebClient示例。


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