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finding clicked id deep in document using jquery

I m going to use the text from the jquery example, For example, consider the HTML:

<lots of divs to get to here>

<div id="#targetid_0">
  Click here
<div id="#targetid_1">
  Trigger the handler

I have a series of questions that are plaguing me...

Assuming that I click on Click Here or Trigger the Handler :

  1. If I m assigning a value via the attr(targetid_x,JSON.ID), how can I use alert to show me that value? It s driving me nuts!
  2. How do I find out the specific clicked #tag? (sort of related to question 1).

I d like to see if this can be accomplished with Event Delegation or at least without classes.


$( div ).click(function() {
    $(this).attr( id );

Try this:

$( div[id] ).click(function(){
  return false;

This adds an event listener to all divs that have an id.
The return false; part stops propagation. Thus if you have nested divs that have id s only the bottom(inner) one will show the alert, and then stops the event bubbling.

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