Please go to : . As you can see there is a carousel effect in the header and it goes forward and backwards once you click on the arrows or press left/right key . I need it to autoplay so I need an autosliding effect. Time interval should be 5 seconds ( I guess I can set that up later ) .
This carousel effect uses jquery-1.3.1.min.js and slider.js .
$(function() {
var totalPanels = $(".scrollContainer").children().size();
var regWidth = $(".panel").css("width");
var regImgWidth = $(".panel img").css("width");
var regTitleSize = $(".panel h2").css("font-size");
var regParSize = $(".panel p").css("font-size");
var movingDistance = 300;
var curWidth = 350;
var curImgWidth = 220;
var curTitleSize = "15px";
var curParSize = "15px";
var $panels = $( #slider .scrollContainer > div );
var $container = $( #slider .scrollContainer );
$panels.css({ float : left , position : relative });
$("#slider").data("currentlyMoving", false);
.css( width , ($panels[0].offsetWidth * $panels.length) + 100 )
.css( left , "-350px");
var scroll = $( #slider .scroll ).css( overflow , hidden );
function returnToNormal(element) {
.animate({ width: regWidth })
.animate({ width: regImgWidth })
.animate({ fontSize: regTitleSize })
.animate({ fontSize: regParSize });
function growBigger(element) {
.animate({ width: curWidth })
.animate({ width: curImgWidth })
.animate({ fontSize: curTitleSize })
.animate({ fontSize: curParSize });
//direction true = right, false = left
function change(direction) {
//if not at the first or last panel
if((direction && !(curPanel < totalPanels)) || (!direction && (curPanel <= 1))) { return false; }
//if not currently moving
if (($("#slider").data("currentlyMoving") == false)) {
$("#slider").data("currentlyMoving", true);
var next = direction ? curPanel + 1 : curPanel - 1;
var leftValue = $(".scrollContainer").css("left");
var movement = direction ? parseFloat(leftValue, 10) - movingDistance : parseFloat(leftValue, 10) + movingDistance;
"left": movement
}, function() {
$("#slider").data("currentlyMoving", false);
curPanel = next;
//remove all previous bound functions
//go forward
$("#panel_"+(curPanel+1)).click(function(){ change(true); });
//remove all previous bound functions
//go back
$("#panel_"+(curPanel-1)).click(function(){ change(false); });
//remove all previous bound functions
// Set up "Current" panel and next and prev
var curPanel = 3;
$("#panel_"+(curPanel+1)).click(function(){ change(true); });
$("#panel_"+(curPanel-1)).click(function(){ change(false); });
//when the left/right arrows are clicked
$(".right").click(function(){ change(true); });
$(".left").click(function(){ change(false); });
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 13: //enter
case 32: //space
case 37: //left arrow
case 39: //right arrow
I am really looking forward to receiving an answer.
Thank you !
Regards, Razvan.