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原标题:custom facelet component for input field

I m creating a "big" form with a lot of input fields. To make things easier I tried to create a facelet componente which encapsulates the code for creating a table with two columsn where the first col contains the label and the second one the input field.


<ft:textInput cid="city" label="City:" 
       value="#{registrationBean.deal.city> }" />


  <param name="inputField" value="#{value}" />
    <ice:inputText id="#{cid}" value="#{inputField}"                             

虽然表格看着静.,但我有问题,即用户的价值没有被写回来。 我认为,之所以如此,是因为只有一次而不是在提交表格时才能对编号Bean.deal.city}进行评价。 我猜测我这里的推理存在一些严重错误,但我无法找到这方面的好文件。




<ice:inputText id="#{cid}" value="#{value}" required="true"/>




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