As an experiment I wanted to test how to use Ruby, Selenium and the web-driver to access a complex web site. For this test I thought I could take and see how to find something on the page having taken a quick look at the dynamic nature of what visually looks simple but is a complex generated view.
Seems easy enough. So for example the site is and entering two destination points say SFO to LAX the URL would be
Now when the page is generated you get some nice displayed lists of the flights and if I want to find a result it s not a readable named set of items.
<div class="yR1fYc" jsaction="click:O1htCb;gP4E0b:O1htCb;DIjhEc:YmNhJf" jsname="BXUrOb">
<div class="mxvQLc ceis6c uj4xv uVdL1c A8qKrc" jsname="HSrbLb">…</div>
Typically with Webdriver and Selenium I would use
require selenium-webdriver
require capybara
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
and then use the find element approach with some named element
flights = driver.find_elements_by_class_name( flight )
In this case its a more cryptic name so not sure how to tackle the problem if I m assuming the names of classes may be dynamically generated.
Any suggestions or approaches ?