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原标题:Does anyone know of a spell checker plugin for ckeditor that uses aspell or a similar local service instead of spellchecker.net? [closed]




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First of all, the reason why we want to use spellchecker.net has nothing to to with the functionality itself, both the SCAYT and the regular spell check is working great. However, we are using CkEditor in our CMS (CorePublish, www.coretrek.no), and using an online tool like spellchecker.net has some drawbacks:

  • The free online version is at times slow, and it displays ads, both of which many of our customers will find annoying.
  • Our product is sometimes installed at intranets and closed networks where internet access is not available, this means depending on an online service is a no-go.
  • We had a working spellchecker included in our previous version (using FCKEditor) for free. Suddenly requiring our customers (or our self) to pay extra for spellchecking, purchasing either the hosted or licensed versions, is not something we want to do.
  • We want to integrate the spell check itself with our own back end, where we e.g. store a custom dictionary for each user etc.

因此,根据这些问题,我们决定改用“旧的”火ell,使我们能够提供一栋建筑,以防 default,并控制我们的自我。


Arve Skjørestad 阿尔韦·斯克约雷斯塔德




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